Wednesday, June 9, 2010

video for texas tornado

texas tornado

Spent the whole driving home. Nothing exciting until about 40 miles west of Amarillo, TX when we drove into a thunderstorm and filmed a tornado form, and move across a field north of us. I need to figure out how to post the video.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hiking to Potato Lake

Monday: Last day in Durango.

Wm got us all fueled up on big fluffy pancakes and sausage.  We filled our Camelbaks and headed north to Potato Lake Trail just past Purgatory/Durango Ski Resort. Three miles of rough rocky road and we made it to the trailhead. Wm mountain biked while Lorna and I hiked the mile long trail to the lake. We explored a community of abandoned beaver dams on our way . The lake was very picturesque with Engineer Peak as the backdrop. Wm and Lorna practiced their echo-making skills.

We hiked back and had lunch at the trailhead with the grandparents who met us there after jeep trail riding. The weather was better today. Only in the 80's.

Swam this afternoon (a little redneck bathtime!) after the hike and went to town one last time. Checked out a couple bike shops and a toy store (imagine that) and had dinner at the Strater hotel at Diamond Belle's saloon. Complete with rag time piano player and waitresses with fishnets and feathers...Mr. Bill had the best time of all. Lastly we stopped at Carver Brewing for one last cask hand-drawn IPA and went back to camp for a little organizing and loading. Tomorrow is one long endless 15-hr travel day that no one's looking forward to.

All the wildflowers were beginning to bloom on the trail. I'm just a beginner at photos. Here are some:

Didn't get a chance to go by Ska Brewing. Have no fear my friend SP--we still got most of your order together plus a surprise or two. Of the three other brewers in Durango, Carver had to be our favorite. Of course now we have to make our pilgrimmage to Fort Collins to our always favorite New Belgium. Look out Colopy gang we'll be on our way to your house probably before the month is over!!

Happy Trails!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

William's bike ride on Sunday.

Animas City Mountain Trail
Overlooking Durango, CO

1000 foot climb was about all I could take.
Had to head home to start cooking dinner!

Hitting the trail--4 Hoof drive

Exploring the cave!

Meet Flash, Oly, and Dregs.

Sunday afternoon

It's about 1545 Sunday afternoon. It's about 95 degrees. Outside and inside the camper. I'm hanging out under a tree by the river trying to decide whether its too early for happy hour, and if its not - what am I going to have!?!

Wm is off on a ride, the Elliotts are napping, Lorna is only one who can find SpongeBob on the tv in any remote location, so she's in her grandfather's leather chair in the motor home, eyes all aglazed. (And probably eating chocolate covered something!!)

We went horseback riding this morning through the San Juan National Forest. Explored a cave and returned home by lunch. It was kind of dusty. The whole trip actually has been dusty. Durango has this fine powdery sandy soil that gets everywhere and on everything. I was laughing with the riding group this morning that it's like a protective sunscreen layer that all over you. Anyway, about the ride -- I'll send pictures later. Wm took the camera to get some mountain ridge shots.

It's so surprisingly hot (everyone says "yeah-but it's a DRY heat)...the problem with that is that's there's still the word HEAT as the descriptor. Lorna and I spent an hour at the pool this afternoon cooling off. Thank goodness they turned the heater down in the pool. It was nice and cool today.

Wm is supposed to be grilling kebobs tonight...I'll download pics so you can see Oly, Dregs, and Flash while he's cooking. I've done very well not to get involved with all the "man cooking time" that goes on here. I've learned to just sit back, have a drink, and lo and behold, food just "happens." And it happens for breakfast  and dinner. Kevin Colopy got me spoiled the last time I went to Ft. Collins. If a man offers to cook, by all means Let him do it!

Lorna swimming and exploring the campground

Silverton, CO

Started the day off with a road ride.Crossed the Animas River and down to Durango.

Jeeped to Silverton, CO. Hit the high country trails. Nearly lost our lunch. Won't complain about Tulsa roads again. :)
Explored a ghost mining town and found an abandoned mine. There was still snow on the ground and the melt made some beautiful waterfalls.

Wm and I left Lorna behind with her grandparents and drove into Durango for dinner. Stopped at Carver brewing first. Wm had an interesting beer called Cascade Canyon IPA on cask hand drawn system.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Biking in Durango

Friday: Durango.
I woke up after my first night in the pop-up...the sun was coming through the canvas, the birds were singing, the river was rushing....I thought to myself "What a peaceful way to wake up." Then I looked at my clock!
5:34 AM. Good heavens!

 Mr. Bill cooked breakfast outside: Fried eggs, sausage, and biscuits.

Wm and his dad went to town...searching for supplies we forgot to bring. Lorna and I checked out the playground and then the pool. There's a heated pool here. And when I say heated, I mean HEATED.

Wm went on a ride--he'll have to tell you about that. Here's some pictures he took.

After his ride, we met up at Steamworks Brewing for a pre-dinner tasting. Then headed on back to the campground for shrimp etouffee.

Wm had fun setting up the toilet in our pop-up.
My life roughing it lasting all of 24 hours!

Lastly, we built a fire and had some s'mores. Lorna ate the chocolate pieces and had fun setting fire to the marshmellows.

It was a good day in the San Juan Mtns!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Amarillo, TX to Durango, CO

Day Two: Thursday--TX to NM to CO.
Started the morning off seeing the Cadillac Ranch near Amarillo, TX on Route 66.
We then stopped at the Midpoint Cafe in Adrian, TX (the halfway point between Chicago and LA on Route 66) for coffee and picked up some chocolate pie and cobbler.
Had lunch in Santa Fe, NM at Harry's Roadhouse. A diner featured on Drive-ins, Diners, and Dives.
Arrived in Durango about 630pm and set up camp. Our campsite is right on the Animas River.
We had dinner outside - and we all turned in early soo we'll be ready for tomorrow's adventures.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

On our way

Day One: WED
My coworkers graciously let me scoot out early. We're just about to jump in and head westward. Tonight's stop is Amarillo, TX. Then on to Durango, CO. We're packing light this time....just the truck, a pop-up camper....and Lorna's twenty stuffed animals and a gallon of sweet tea.